More than 250 guests, community partners and avid supporters of the Riding for the Disabled Association Limited (RDA) gathered at the Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Sha Tin Racecourse to join the Hong Kong Riding for the Disabled Association Cup Luncheon 2018 on 16th June 2018.
This year, RDA is honored to have Dr. LAW Chi Kwong, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare joined the event as our officiating guest. Moreover, Professor Sophia S C CHAN, JP, Secretary for Food and Health, Mr. LAW Chi Kong, Joshua, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr. TSUI Ying Wai, Caspar, JP, Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Mr. CHAN Jick Chi, Jack, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs joined the event as our officiating guest. Mr. David LEUNG, JP, Commissioner for Rehabilitation, participated in the event and presented the plaques and certificates to our Gold and Silver Table Sponsors.
Before the luncheon starts, Mr. Thomas YEUNG, Chairman of RDA, Mr. Anthony W K Chow, SBS, JP, Voting Member of RDA and Deputy Chairman of HKJC extended their warmest welcome to the guests in their individual welcome remarks. Moreover, Dr. LAW Chi Kwong, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare also recognized RDA’s contribution to the disabled community in her speech and called for the continuous support from all donors to RDA.
The highlight was at the 6th Race, the Hong Kong Riding for the Disabled Association Cup. Twelve race horses aimed for gold over 1,200 metres dirt race. The representative of the winning owners, received the trophy of Hong Kong Riding for the Disabled Association Cup from Dr. LAW Chi Kwong, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare. Afterward, Mr. Thomas YEUNG, Chairman of RDA, Mr. John WITT, Voting Member of RDA and Group Finance Director of Jardine Matheson Group, and Mrs. Purviz SHROFF, the Gold Table Sponsor of the Luncheon presented miniature trophy to Mr. Raymond CHOW Wai Kam and Mr. LAU Wing Sang, the winning owners, R GIBSON, the winning trainer, and HN WONG, the winning jockey respectively.
At the end of the Luncheon, Dr. LAW Chi Kwong, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare and Mr. Thomas YEUN, Chairman of RDA, toasted and congratulated the success of the event with Mr. Anthony W K CHOW, SBS, JP, Voting Member of RDA, Mr. John Witt, Voting Members of RDA, Mrs. Purviz SHROFF, Gold Sponsor of the Cup Luncheon, Mr. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, Chief Executive Officer of HKJC, Mr. Andrew Harding, Executive Director, Racing Authority of HKJC, Mr. William A. Nader, Director of Racing Business and Operations of HKJC and the winning owners.